Warhammer Quest Project

I recently had the idea that I need to make myself a Warhammer Quest set with some more contemporary miniatures. I really like the 80's and 90's fantasy aesthetic and want to recreate the original spirit of the game with some better miniatures than those that came with the original game. Since it is mid term and I don't really get any hobbying done at school, I thought I could at least start by collecting the tiles for the game. I didnt know at first whether I wanted to use tiles someone else made, or make my own from scratch, or use the ones that came with the original game. Making my own was a bit too time consuming of a venture and what I really wanted was that classic games workshop fantasy artwork so I opted to go for the original tiles. 

As the game hasn't been in print for well over a decade, I did some searching online to get some scans of all the tiles from the game and I guess also the expansions.

The right image is the original tile. The image on the left is the retouched tile after a little photoshop work. The scans were a bit washed out so I adjusted the color, sharpened the edges of the tile and made the border cleaner. The end result is pretty convincing I think. It looks brand new.

 Next up I have to figure a way to get these printed on some thick card or something else suitable for gaming. I want this to be a high quality venture. I don't want paper tiles...

More later


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