A Little Side Project

I had some beastmen models sitting around and I was tired of having them sit in a box. I had 2 centigor, 2 minotaurs who needed some green stuff work, and several plastic gor(most of which are the same single pose model from way back when)

Since I have no intentions of making an army out of these guys, I wanted to see what sort of quality work I could get if I just speed painted the gor. I found that for me the speed painting meant spending 30-45 min painting a single guy. They have minimal shading and highlighting and every guy is painted in the exact same scheme.

Here is a forest I made a while back. It doesn't really have anything to do with this project but I was pretty happy with how it turned out... And it fits with the beast men basing scheme

You can see here what I have painted. I went for a more humanoid skin tone on these guys as you can see as opposed to more traditional browns or grays.

Close up of a centigor. I have to say the centigor models arent that bad considering their age. I also think the idea of centaurs is pretty cool in the warhammer world and there is no army better suited for them then beastmen.

Close up of the gor 

 Here is what I have left to paint. The minotaur in the back needs a new right arm(his left arm is sitting on the ground beside him)


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