Deadzone Incoming
First Impressions:
-There is a lot of stuff in the box. I really had no idea what was in the box so it was neat to sift through everything and see what miniatures and extras there were....which is a lot. Mantic really packs a lot of miniatures in the box and there aren't all that many repeated sculpts.
-The game seems interesting enough and I like that it is relatively self contained within a small board, included terrain, and everything you need to play.
-The quality of the miniatures is questionable. The miniatures are pretty good miniatures in general but the smaller details tend to be a bit obscured. My biggest gripe is the material and the mold lines. The mold lines are feckin' everywhere, all across every nook and cranny, and extremely noticeable while the restic material makes cleaning mold lines an extremely laborious process. A few of the miniatures have parts that just dont fit together properly and its a chore to get them to work.
Loads of terrain!!!
Roughly a shiteload of miniatures
A random dreadball MVP....
The marauder faction is complete and it has a lot of guys allowing for some real customization in lists. The marauders in general are pretty good miniatures and there is a good deal of variety across the faction.
Here are the miniatures organized showing the different models. A you can see only 3 of the miniatures have a twin, the rest are individual sculpts.
Since I have a ton of other projects on the tables currently I think these guys will be a long way off in painting. School really makes the painting season limited to summer and winter breaks so my progress in general is pretty slow.
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