Chaos Cultist

I've been really excited to paint the rest of my Dark Vengeance box set. The Dark Angels were enjoyable to paint for the most part but what I was looking forward to most about this set was painting the chaos force. The chaos models are really characterful and I think that the cultists are terrific sculpts that really capture the essence of what a cultist should look like. ie crude weapons, mismatched uniforms, masks and scarring. I painted up a test model last night to get an idea of how I want them to look. The idea is that they will all have drab colors that vary from model to model. The unifying force across all the models will be the red chaos icons they wear and the light colored leathers of their pouches and belts etc.

And Ive also been working on the Sea Drake for Dreadfleet. This model is taking forever to paint and as you can see I still have a few sails to paint along with the dragon and the top of the mast currently on the ship. Hopefully by the end of the week this will be finished.... 


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