Ratling Sniper

I managed to paint another 40k model today. The first of my 13 ratlings. I had painted these before but did not like how they looked because I did a bit of a rushed job. The second time around I think he looks much better. (below)
I really like the new ratling models and painting him was pretty fun. I kept the color scheme the same as the original but I improved on it. I lightened up the skin ton, painted his eyes, improved the rifle and all the other accouterments he has. It was relatively quick to paint so hopefully I can finish the squad by the end of the week... 
I also gave him some stubble on the top of his head. Its not too apparent from the pictures I took but the top of his head has some grey mixed into the skin tone to give him at least a little hair.

Well I have 4 more ratlings to complete the squad so keep a heads up.


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