
 The Dryads were a quick fix. They were painted and just need new bases. I built up some hills on some of the bases to add a bit more depth to the unit. 12 more models done and very minimal effort. Now all of the tree spirit models in my army are done and I can focus on the glade guard...all 40 odd of them. This will be the biggest grind about the army but once it is done the army is pretty much finished. Just the characters, a couple eagles, and the glade riders.

 And the most colorful model in the unit with her spite pal on her back branch.
 I finished two Glade Guard and I am happy with how they look. I used 3 different greens and 2 different browns to create some subtle contrasts and shades. They are supposed to be discreet.... 5 main colors plus the 25-30 other paints used to shade and layer...


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