More Trees

 Well the Treeman is done and that is almost 300 points right there. The army is soming along nicely though I did all the easy stuff first. I added some clump foliage to the treeman to add a bit more color and texture to the model because it lacks the detail of a centerpiece model by itself.(which is what it is)

 Just some various angles on him. My color scheme is a little bland I suppose but with the clump foliage and the colorful base I think it will look alright. Im planning on taking a trip up to the model train store to get some more varieties of tufts and to stock up on the ones Im running low on. Until then the bases will be partially unfinished, though they look fine as is. The little forest sprites hanging out on the treeman and the treekin add some color but Im still looking for a bit more pop on them. At this point I may just wait until more of the army is finished so I can see how they look as a force.
 All of my treekin are done. I can do a unit of 6 or two units of 3, or anything in many choices.
 Unit one.
Unit two.

I think Im going to try and get ahold of some model ivy or something to put on them to add some more color and texture. As is they are a bit bland.


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