Treekin unit and some unpainted Wood Elves

 Well for a bit of motivation I thought I would group all my Wood Elves in 1 spot to see how much I have to do. 
Finished I have:
3 Treekin
14 Dryads
1 Glade Rider

To paint I have:
40 Glade Guard
3 Waywatchers
3 Treekin
10 Glade Riders
2 Eagles
5 Wardancers
And a small assortment of character models

Some of the stuff needs to be filled out more like the waywatchers and the wardancers but I am waiting for the new book to drop(whenever that may be) before I get anything else for the army.

 Here are the Dryads. They just need to be rebased with flock instead of sand and static grass. More photographs on them later.

 I flocked a base that will be for an Eagle. It has two flight pegs because I am going to be using two of the older, smaller, Warhammer Eagles to count as one Eagle.

 This is the test model for the army that I did about a year ago but never got further.
 The first unit of Treekin is done. Now I just need to make a movement tray for them but doing that takes some time as I make my trays out of metal sheeting and balsa wood.
 Just showing the basing. It contrasts nicely with the relatively plainly colored treekin. When the army is fully based in this way I think it will look pretty nice.

 The treekin are a little plain for my liking. I feel like they are lacking color to make them stand out but Im not really sure how to change them. Glazes maybe?
I painted 2 old metal dryads that I had lying around. They are actually pretty neat models I think though the new Dryads are much better IMO.

Up next will be another unit of Treekin and the treeman which are alreay about halfway done.


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