I love Lord of The Rings and there isn't much more to say.
Here are the Ringwraiths I own. (The Tainted, the Dark Marshal, and 2 generic Ringwraiths). Painting them took quite a while just because blending their cloaks up from black to very light gray was really time consuming. They were surprisingly fun to paint though and the sculpts are really cool. All in all I was really happy with the end result.
Here is The Tainted up close. He is a pretty creepy dude even for a Ringwraith. His cloak is a subtle green to represent his obviously tainted and poisoned nature.
Here are the generic guys. Shout out to Mininatur (thats how you spell it) and their great tufts. They were inexpensive considering the large amount of tufts that come in a package.
Ive used Games Workshop Tufts which are decent and Army Painter Tufts which are good but comparable in price to these tufts for about the same price. They have a wide range of scenics which are all sweet for wargamers so check them out.(Note I am not affiliated with them whatsoever)
Anyway... Back to the miniatures
Dead Marsh Spectres.
I'm a big fan of this elf spectre
And who could forget the Fellowship of the Ring from the Breaking of The Fellowship box. I got these guys right before GW introduced finecast and I still have yet to paint Legolas(poor guy). The were fun to paint(especially the hobbits for some reason) and what hobbyist LoTR fan could resist having these guys.
Gandalf and all his greyness.
I quite like the Sam model
Merry and Pippin(going the wrong way)
The models are quite good. Its pretty amazing how true to the actors the faces are on such small miniatures. Each is instantly recognizable and the sculpts are quite true to the movies.
Some day I will finish Legolas, who has been buried in a box somewhere...
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