With a Vengeance

So I got Dark Vengeance last year as payment for painting some miniatures. After cracking it open and putting the miniatures together, I have to say that the quality of the components is amazing, but everyone probably already knows that. Its really amazing what GW can fit in a starter box. The hefty price tag isn't too much at all when you consider the quality of what you get(especially on the chaos side). Even the simple tactical marines are a refreshing sight. Compared to my Battle for Macragge marines, these marines are light years ahead in terms of quality and dynamic posing.
Anyhow, I have painted most of the Dark Angels side and once Im finished with them I can move on to painting the Chaos force which really has me rubbing my hands together in glee. (they are sweet!)
When I built the models, I didnt glue them to the bases so that I could finish the bases without the models attached. I airbrushed some various yellow browns to get a desert/wasteland type base with some sporadic green shrubs to add some color. I think the bases create a nice contrast to the colors of the Dark Angels
Here's what I have so far.
Close up of a few of the Tac marines. Painting them was super simple as I airbrushed them all with Dark Angels Green and highlighted the armor with Snot Green. Super simple but effective I think.
The sergeant was fun to paint. I gave him some stubble on top of his head and his face by mixing grey and skin tone. This gives him some grittiness I think and keeps him from being a baby faced bald dude... Something not befitting a veteran of a hundred wars.
Biker Captain. Can't say I'm a fan of painting black bikes... Although the fellow on top was cool.
I really liked how the terminators turned out
Here is whats left. Note the models aren't glued together so I can take them apart for ease of painting.
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