Little fellas

The Dwarfs got me into Warhammer Fantasy. Dwarven fluff across the fantasy genre is always really interesting and I really dig their technology. Plus who could forget about their sweet beards?! I thought slayers were the coolest guys ever and i really liked the gyrocopter so I picked Dwarfs as my first army. They also conveniently came in the 7th ed starter box...

I pride myself in fielding fully painted (or close to it) armies on the table top and I feel it makes for a better game. I got really tired of painting Dwarfs because I wasn't used to the idea of having over 100 models in an army so I speed painted them, as many as 10 in 2 hours so I could get them finished. A few years later now and I am very unhappy with how they look. Dwarfs have the potential to look really awesome without the same time investment as some other armies as they are pretty much 50% chainmail, 25% beard, and 25% everything else! 

I suppose another reason for repainting them other than to make them look better was because I wanted to give them great weapons rather than HW/shield so they were better equipped for 8th ed.

Without further ado...
Here is one of my old Dwarfs, he's not terrible but its not up to snuff for me. Also during this period I had a thing for red as the predominant color in armies. I painted Blood Angels, Dwarfs, High Elves, and Vostroyans with red as the primary color.

Here is what I have repainted so far. Two units of 10 miners, a thane from BfSP, 3 slayers, the bolt thrower, Lord on Shieldbearers, and 13 warriors. I am really pleased with how they look and I look forward to getting these guys on the table again. You can see my green phase in action here. I'm painting my dwarfs with green, I have green Lizardmen, I'm repainting my Vostroyans green, and I've got the Wood Elves who tend to be green in spring time...
Aannd... Here is what I have left to paint.

Slayer!!!! My first of the new Dwarfs to be painted.
Daemon Slayer

One of my favorite units. I think miners are a really cool concept and the old metal ones are simple but super characterful. I went for some simple source lighting on their candles which is subtle yet I think effective.

Here is the other unit of miners

The bolt thrower rarely sees the table so I needed to give it some love. Plus the crew were really fun to paint, especially this fellow above
Warriors, the backbone of the army

And the Thane from Skull Pass who surprisingly with a decent paintjob becomes a pretty neat looking dude.


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