
I had a half built Tomb King chariot floating around that I rescued from a friend a while back. it was a nice departure to paint something undead for once. Since I don't think I will ever have interest enough in actually starting a Tomb Kings army, it was neat to at least paint a chariot, which are one of the coolest aspects of the army in my opinion.
I didn't spend too much time laboring over the horses or the bodies of the riders and simply drybrushed them. There was no way I was going to spend hours laboring over all the bones. The amount of time blending all the different surfaces would be a nightmare. No. It was simple drybrushing for me.

Anyway. There isn't much too this model. It was just a fun little side project.

I followed the GW standard red weapons for the guys on the back and made all of the cloth a blue tone to add some life to these guys who are clearly not full of it.


  1. This model is pretty cool. One off projects like this are the only thing that can capture my attention sometimes. I'd be interested in seeing a tutorial on how to do the bow string.


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