A Little Dungeon Delving

I got Super Dungeon Explore a while back and I have very slowly been painting the models. I have most of the characters done and I have to say that the models were really enjoyable to paint. Painting the chibi style minis has really been a departure from painting normal gaming minis. I have taken these models as an opportunity to paint NMM weapons and armor, something that I never really tried before with much success. I have to say that I am pretty pleased with how these turned out. This game was definitely worth the price of admission for the models in addition to the gameplay.

Treasure Chests

I was really happy with how the druid turned out.

I have a thing for dwarf miniatures

Most of the Crew

Some Kobolds that I finished. Im trying to keep them simple because there is no way I could spend as much time per Kobold as each of the Heroes and finish in any reasonable time frame.


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