
I finished the Heldenhammer after what seemed like an eternity painting it. The Heldenhammer is huge and I'm not a huge fan of painting red or gold so painting this ship took longer than it probably should have. 

Nevertheless it is a very imposing miniature and dwarfs the other Dreadfleet ships. Also...it is very cool looking.

I used my airbrush to paint the sails which saved me a great deal of time as layering the red onto the sails would have taken hours.

 As you can see the back of the sails lack the definition they need but I cant seem to get good shading when I paint red over large flat areas.
Painting the rows of cannons and the gold arches was very tedious.

 But it all came together in the end. Now Im down to the Bloody Reaver, the templates, sea monsters, and a couple cogs. This project will soon be finished and I will be able to get some pictures of the whole game together!


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