Slow Grow: HQ completed

I managed to finally finish the command squad for my guard army and it took me longer than it should have. I still have to give these guys some clumps of snow on their bases but that will come later. My goal was to finish the command squad in a week and I barely did that...too much other life stuff and painting projects in the way.

My new goal is to paint a minimum size infantry platoon in the next 2 promises there but we shall see. (5 man command squad and 2 units of 10 infantry)

Here are pictures of what has been completed since my last post.

2 snipers. Cool models and not totally out of place in a command squad that doesn't want to get too close to the fighting. Someone might argue that there are much better ways to equip units but  I tend towards a list that looks cool on the table while still maintaining a competitive edge(if not a very sharp one)

Company Standard. I love this model and couldnt resist throwing him in the command squad.


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